
Express Tele Docs, 1650 Dixwell Ave,

Hamden, CT 06514

Bacterial Vaginosis


As the name shows, Bacterial vaginosis is a bacterial infection. It is the most common infection in women of reproductive age. In Bacterial vaginosis, inflammation of vagina tissues occurs due to the overgrowth of resident bacteria in the vagina. 

Highly qualified healthcare professionals at Express Tele Doc will treat your proficiency with excellent treatment approaches. You can fix your appointment with the doctor of your desire. 

Is Bacterial Vaginosis a Common infection?

Bacterial vaginosis (BV) is very common in women aged 15 to 44. Approximately one in three American women have bacterial vaginosis. However, it is more common in black women.

Symptoms of bacterial vaginosis: 

Signs and symptoms of vaginosis may include the following,

  • Itching in the vaginal area
  • White, gray, or greenish discharge from the vagina
  • Consistency of vaginal discharge is thin
  • The fishy odor from the vaginal discharge

There are also chances that women with bacterial vaginosis have no signs and symptoms.  

Causes of bacterial vaginosis:

BV occurs due to the overgrowth of any resident bacteria in your vagina. Many bacteria present in your vagina are known as natural flora of the vagina, e.g., lactobacilli. 

Lactobacilli present in the vagina inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria (anaerobes) in the vagina. But if anaerobes increase, they imbalance the microflora and lead to bacterial vaginosis.

Is Bacterial vaginosis contagious?

Bacterial vaginosis doesn’t spread from one person to another. However, unhealthy sex can increase your chance of getting an infection.

Risk factors:

Following are the risk factors of bacterial vaginosis.

  • Sexual intercourse with multiple partners
  • Douching (the practice of rinsing out your vagina with cleaning agents or water may upset the microflora in the vagina)
  • Lack of lactobacilli bacteria in the vagina 
  • During pregnancy
  • Have an intrauterine device
  • Have a new sex partner 

Diagnosis of Bacterial vaginosis:

Your healthcare provider will take a vaginal discharge sample and examine it under a microscope to diagnose bacterial vaginosis. 

Treatment of bacterial vaginosis:

Your doctor will prescribe you antibiotics. Includes,

  • Clindamycin
  • Metronidazole